Please Read and Sign Prior to Our First Appointment
The terms and conditions set forth herein reflect Barking Style’s policy with respect to each of its customers. All customers of Barking Style agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below.
1. Our philosophy is to offer a stress free grooming experience for your dog. We pay special attention to older pets and pets with health issues.
- Your pet’s safety and comfort are our first priority.
- We will not perform any grooming procedure that causes pain or a level of stress that we think is excessive. This includes nail trimming in some situations.
- Senior pets will be groomed for cleanliness and comfort.
2. Prior to Barking Style performing services on your dog, you, the dog owner, will advise us of any medical, physical, emotional issues, allergies, sensitivities, or pre-existing conditions.
- These may include prior surgeries, hip or joint issues, warts, moles, ear infections or skin problems.
3. If your dog has behavior problems, please let us know.
- Barking Style reserves the right to muzzle your dog.
- If your dog cannot be groomed, a $50.00 minimum fee will apply.
- Barking Style reserves the right to refuse service.
4. Appointments
- We will arrive as close to the scheduled appointment time as possible. However, sometimes situations can occur that will disrupt the daily schedule. A dog’s safety will never be compromised by rushing to meet a schedule. You will be called and advised of an arrival time when schedules change beyond our control.
5. Pricing varies for each dog and is determined by breed, size and condition of your pet.
- Additional charges apply for de-matting, de-shedding, excessive coat, naughty dogs and flea treatments due to the additional time it takes.
6. Matting
- If you would like your pet brushed out, dematting fees are $1.00 per minute.
- If your pet cannot be humanely dematted, we may ask permission to clip the hair short and “start over.” We will always ask for your permission.
- Please keep in mind that a matted coat can cause numerous health conditions including itching, irritation, and skin infections. Removing the heavily matted coat includes risks of nicks, cuts or abrasions due to warts, moles and skin folds trapped and hidden in the mats. Heavy matting can also trap moisture near the pet’s skin allowing fungus or bacteria to grow causing skin irritations that exist prior to the grooming process. Barking Style is not responsible for any conditions due to a matted coat.
- If you would like to reschedule your grooming appointment to allow you time to brush or comb out the excess matting, a $50.00 minimum appointment fee will apply.
7. Property Damage
- Each customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Barking Style, its owners, employees and affiliates from any damage , loss, expense, cost, claim and liability (including attorney’s fees) arising out of Barking Style’s mobile services, including without limitation, any property damage which occurs to my property or the property of any neighbor. I acknowledge that the unique mobile nature of Barking Style’s business may expose me to greater property damage risk, and I hereby assume such risk.
8. Barking Style will not groom any dog that is not up-to-date on their vaccinations. (Special circumstances will be considered.) In the event a customer does not fully inform Barking Style that their dog is not up-to-date on all their vaccinations, all incidental costs, damages, expenses and claims arising out of such failure to disclose shall be borne by the customer.
9. We require 24 hours notice to change or cancel an appointment.
- Failure to call 24 hours in advance will result in a charge of $50.00 that must be paid prior to your next appointment. Giving advance notice gives us the opportunity to fill your grooming slot and rearrange our schedule.
10. Payment
- We accept cash or check. Payment is due at completion of groom.
- Checks should be made out to Barking Style.
- There will be a $25.00 charge for Non Sufficient Funds
11. Photographs & Video
- We have your permission to take pictures or video of your pet for marketing purposes. These will never be sold or given to third parties.
12. Injuries/Accidents
- Veterinarian bills will not be paid for any minor injuries.
- Major injuries-we will pay any veterinarian charges that result from serious injury caused by the grooming service, provided the cause was due to gross negligence or willful misconduct of an employee. Any injury that is a result of poor coat condition or a pre-existing condition will not be paid.
- If something arises after the groom that was not noticed before then you must contact us immediately and take your dog to a veterinarian within 48 hours of groom. If a customer is entitled to reimbursement of veterinary expenses pursuant to this paragraph 12, the veterinarian must write a note indicating that veterinary intervention was necessary and the injury was caused solely by the grooming process and as a result of an employee’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.
- Each customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Barking Style, its owners, employees and affiliates from and against any and all liabilities, expenses, damages, and costs, including attorney’s fees, resulting from any service provided or injury, including death to client’s dog(s) whether in our care or after our services have been completed.
I understand and do agree to the above terms for the grooming and maintenance of my pet(s) and in consideration of the grooming services of Barking Style, agree to hold harmless from damage, loss or claims arising from any known or unknown pre-existing condition of my pet(s). The terms, special services or handling shall include, but are not limited to, veterinarian services in the event I am not available. I authorize Barking Style to act as my agent in the event emergency veterinarian services, care-taking and/or transportation is necessary and I agree to pay all costs. Any/all damages, loss or claim shall include, but not be limited to death, injury, or shock. Said pre-existing shall include, but not be limited to illness, previous injury, skin or coat conditions, medical conditions, advanced age, or nervousness.
I have read and accept these policies for the groom today and for any and all future grooming appointments.
Owner’s Signature